The Place


10 hot-weather safety tips for your pets, and how to know if they’re heat-stroked


Safety concerns increase with the temperatures as more pets spend time outdoors during the  summer months. The extreme heat poses dangers for people and pets alike. Deann Shepherd with the Humane Society of Utah stopped by to tell us that pet owners should minimize outside exposure for their pets during the day to prevent heat exhaustion and  heatstroke.

She brought along Max who is a pug mix and he's got a big personality - he's waiting to be adopted right now!  If you'd like information on him please visit:

"If you notice signs or symptoms of heat-related illness in your pet, take it to your  veterinarian immediately," she said. "Heatstroke can be fatal if not treated promptly."

Here are more hot weather and summer safety suggestions to follow this time of year:

● Pets should have access to fresh, cool water at all times.

● Pets should have access to adequate shelter that reduces their temperature (some dog  houses can cause an increase in inside temperature).

● Reduce outdoor activity during extreme temperatures. Walk or exercise your dog in the  early morning and evening.

● Place the back of your hand on the asphalt for 10 seconds. If it`s too hot for you, it`s too  hot for your dog`s paws.

● Provide pet-safe frozen treats to help cool your pet internally.

● Ensure that your pet wears a collar with an ID tag at all times. Microchip your pet and keep  owner contact information current.

● Keep your pet current on vaccinations and regular vet health checks.

● Prevent your pet from falling out of open windows and do not leave them on balconies or  high patios unobserved.

● Some dog breeds have a double fur coat that provides insulation and should not be  shaved.

● Use pet-safe sunscreen and bug repellent.

● Check your pet for ticks, Foxtails, and grass seed awns after outdoor activity.

● Rodenticides and lawn and garden insecticides can be harmful to pets if ingested. Keep  citronella candles, tiki torch products, and insect coils of out pets` reach.

● Brachycephalic (short-nosed, flat-faced) pet breeds such as Boxers, Bulldogs, Pugs,  Pekingese, Boston terriers, and Persian cats, as well as young, elderly, ill, or overweight  pets, are at a higher risk of overheating and should be kept in air-conditioned rooms as  much as possible.

● Do not leave pets unsupervised around water; not all pets are good swimmers.
. Keep your pet from drinking the swimming pool water,  which contains chlorine and other chemicals.

We can`t forget to emphasize the importance of never leaving your pet unattended in a vehicle  during the warm temperatures! Pets are at risk in hot weather, especially when temperatures  change quickly, and the animal can not regulate their body temperature fast enough. The  temperature inside a car may increase 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit within 10 minutes in some  situations, and a dog can`t cool down or sweat the way a person does.  Research shows that rolling windows down or parking in the shade does not make a substantial  impact on the inside temperature and resultant risk of overheating & a car becomes a  greenhouse even on a cloudy day.  Leaving a vehicle running with the air conditioning turned on also poses risks, including but not  limited to: the vehicle accidentally being knocked out of gear by a pet or child, increased pollution  and breaking of an anti-idle ordinance in some cities, and potential engine failure.

Know the symptoms of overheating in pets, which include:

● Excessive panting or difficulty breathing.

● Increased heart and respiratory rate.

● Drooling.

● Mild weakness, stupor, or even collapse.

● Seizures.

● Bloody diarrhea and vomit.

● An elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees.

These tips are listed at ​​.