The Place


Cyprus Credit Union encourages cash donations during their annual drive for the Utah Food Bank


David Sant with Cyprus Credit Union and Ginette Bott with Utah Food Bank stopped by to encourage folks to donate during Cyprus' annual drive.

Cyprus began this community food drive in 2005, they asked customers to donate food and funds.  Since then the equivalent of over 181,000 meals have been donated.

This year Cyprus Credit Union is focusing on cash donations, which is great because $1 donated can be turned into $7.34 worth of goods and services.

Bott says donations are critically important this year because 1 in 7 Utah kids will likely miss a meal today and during summertime they aren't getting any meals at school.

Last year alone, Utah Food Bank distributed 43.3 million pounds of food and goods, that's the equivalent of 36.1 million meals for Utahns in need.

To find out how you can help give food, time or money visit

You can donate to Cyprus Credit Union's virtual food drive at: