We are giving you a chance to be super on top of your holiday cards this year, by reminding you to schedule your festive photo shoot NOW! But the one we're talking about isn't just any old shot from Santa's lap; Ted York (M Photog, Cr, CPP) makes it a whole experience!
"We do a private session for your children that lasts about an hour," Ted explained. "Our Santa Session does two things: It provides an unforgettable experience for the children, and second, you are able to make your photos into a custom Christmas storybook, art prints in the form of wall portraits, albums, and other various custom gifts."
So what if your kid cries, or hides? Are you out the money?
No way, says Ted: "We have ways to work with kids of all ages and their reactions to Santa. We have a lot of interesting and funny experiences but we always manage to get great photos!"
But you don't just get a magical experience during the photoshoot, or amazing prints and products, but you also get some pretty priceless gifts to take home.
"Every family gets a special box filled with 'reindeer magic' to spread out in the yard on Christmas Eve so Santa will be able to find their house. And, while supplies last, they get a copy of The Night Before Christmas," Ted says.
Holiday sessions are already filling up so hurry and visit www.tedyorkphotography.com or call 801-310-3336. He's offering viewers a $100 credit if you book your fall session in August.