The Place


Salt Lake’s Regent Street used to be home to a thriving Vaudeville scene


Did you know that Regent Street in downtown Salt Lake City used to be home to a thriving Vaudeville scene?

The city's history is going to be celebrated by bringing the living tradition of busking and street theatre back downtown.

A busker is a person who entertains in a public place for donations.  Busking is a time-honored tradition that adds to the vibrancy and culture of cities around the world.

It's appropriate for all ages and will thrill audiences with musicians, dancers, hula-hoopers, jugglers and comedians.  This event is free and open to the public, but performers will accept donations.

One of the performers joined us with a look at her act, Aly "Aerialist Owl" Larsen is a contortionist.  Kim Angelis from the Salt Lake City Busker Fest also joined us and said everyone is invited to the event on August 16th.  It runs from 3-10 pm on 150 Regent Street in Salt Lake City.

For more information please visit: