Want to satisfy your sweet tooth, without the guilt? Jamie Foote, vegan chef, is showing us a treat that doesn't just give you a mood boost, but also a nutritional one, as well!
Sneaky Avocado Chocolate Pudding and Pie Filling
2 medium Avocados
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 Cup Cacao Powder
2 tsp Vanilla
4 Tbsp Honey
1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
Optional: 3 drops of liquid Stevia
Put all ingredients into a Food Processor and mix it up until the consistency of pudding
Raw Nut Pie Crust - No Baking
1 Cup Almonds
1 Cup Pecan or Walnut
1 Cup Dates - soaked in fresh water for 3 hours
1/2 tsp Salt
Pinch Cayenne
Add all the ingredients except the dates into the food processor until the nuts are pea size or smaller. Chop up the dates and all them to the mixture, process until the dates are spread evenly, if you need a little water you can use the water the dates were soaking in. Be careful with the water, you don't want it runny. Press evenly into a pie dish, should be thick.