The Place


Did you know convenience may mean more trash? This is how to reduce waste next time you travel


Faith Swanberg, zero-waste advocate and co-founder of Explore Zero Waste, shared the following info today:

"When traveling we often want convenience and convenience often leads to lots of trash and waste. If you are someone looking to reduce your waste travel can often be a struggle but with a little for thought you can be waste free even while traveling.

First, and I think quite importantly, you need a good bag. While this may not seem like a tip for how to reduce your waste, I promise it is. Having a good backpack has been so important for me in reducing waste. A good backpack for me is one with a lot of pockets and options for storing things. I love my vegan leather bag from Atlas Supply company. It has so many options for how to use it and you can switch it up based on your needs.

Once you have a good bag there are only a few other items and some planning needed to reduce waste. So you're going to need something for drinks, a container for snacks, a napkin, some utensils, headphones (so you aren't tempted to buy the airlines cheap throwaway ones), a snack, and a water bottle."