The Place


Easy and inexpensive things everyone can do to improve air quality


There is no getting around it - we are in inversion season!  But there are easy and inexpensive things we all can do to help have more good air, blue sky days than brown air days.  We invited UCAIR Executive Director Thom Carter on the show to give us some tips.

Experts at the Division of Air Quality tell us that when the inversion is in place, air pollution doubles daily!  That means we need to make changes now before we get to a red quality air day.

There are two things you can do today:

  1. Don't idle.
  2. Skip the trip.

UCAIR has a number of other easy ways to help our air this winter, including:

  • Carpool
  • Telework
  • Take public transit
  • Fill up with Tier 3 Fuel
  • Switch to a gas-powered snowblower
  • Watch burning advisories

UCAIR has a new website this year, and offers great resources to find out even more things you can do, learn about available rebates for making air quality improvements in your home, submit your air quality story and more.  Please visit: