The Place


Don’t put it off any longer: 5 Things to organize at the start of the new year


The New Year brings with it a fresh, exuberant energy.  That energy encourages us to hit the reset button and recommit to those intentions that never quite materialized the previous year.

Wendy Brown, a Life Organizer, says organization is a key component in achieving those goals.  Whether you're a resolution person or not, these five projects will help you live better in 2020.

  1. Create a Sanctuary - Everyone needs at least one clean, organized place they can go to escape and recharge.  The space could be a bedroom, an office, or a craft room.  Set it up to nurture and support you.
  2. Purge Paper Files - Create a system to hold and manager your paper.
  3. Figure Out Finances - Organize your current financial situation with a spending plan.
  4. Tackle Technology Clutter.
  5. Control Calendar Chaos - Get in the habit of planning your days and weeks with intention.  Time and energy are the two components that have the biggest impact on our lives and what we're able to accomplish.

For more information and organization tips from Wendy, please visit: