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Love your body more this year with these resolutions


New Year's resolutions can often involve a revamp of your current bod. But Utah blogger and author Paige Fieldsted says we can change the narrative about our body by revamping our resolutions. Here are her suggestions:

1. Increase positive self-talk/decrease negative self-talk
a. This isn't going to happen without a conscious effort and choice to focus on it.

2. Focus on one thing about your body you are grateful for everyday.
a. Gratitude can really be life-changing, especially when it comes to your body, because when you focus on what you are grateful for and the things your body let's you do, its harder to worry about how it looks at any given time.

3. Do a social media detox.

4. Pick a resolution that has nothing to do with your body.
a. I think so many times, especially as women, we get caught up in the resolutions revolving around body size and weight. Pick a resolution that has nothing to do with your body. It can be work-related, it can be mom-related, it can be personal- or business-related. For me, read 24 books this year and leave my phone in the other room at night when I'm home with my kids.

5. Make a resolution about the process, not the end goal.
a. If you need or want to make a fitness/health related New Year's resolution one way to make it more body positive is to simply make the resolution about the process not the end result. Instead of making your resolution to lose 25 pounds, make it to go to the gym 5 times a week or drink a gallon of water per day. Focus on the healthy habit vs. focusing on the outcome.

Salt Lake City resident, popular blogger, and body positivity advocate - Paige Fieldsted - has authored her book, "Confessions From Your Fat Friend" - a light-hearted, authentically-written collection of stories aimed to break down body image issues and propel forward messages of self-love and acceptance.

Paige's book presents readers with all of the thoughts and feelings Paige has had about being the fat friend in her circle for the past 30 years. This is a new genre for Paige as she has written several successful indie-romance books in the past. It is available on and several other online retailers.

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