The Place


Begin with the end in mind: good advice for setting goals in the new year

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Before you decide your goals for the new year, speaker, author and consultant Ganel-Lyn Condie says you should ask yourself how you want to feel at the end of 2020.

She joined us with the concept of "Begin with the end in mind".

Ganel-Lyn says resolutions are different than values.  Resolutions don't change with circumstances and they can sometimes bee too specific or too broad.

Values are a compass for your year, not the destination, she says.  Values help you adjust for changes in life three months down the road.

So, how do you choose your values?  Ganel-Lyn recommends that you journal about times in your life when you felt connection to purpose and joy in an authentic way.  You may also want to print a list of values (Pinterest has many).  Notice words that keep coming up and narrow the top 10 to the top five.  Ganel-Lyn says "sit with the top five for one week", and then narrow it down to your top two.

Then it's time to act on the values you've selected.  At that point you can make measurable short term goals for the month.  Re-evaluate where you are at quarterly.

Ganel-Lyn says, "Values are the HOPEFUL path to growth and transformation.  And, when Christmas comes around again, consider/ journal all the ways in which you moved towards your values."

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