CommunityDream Team


Dream Team brings Sandy man an unexpected delivery

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SANDY, Utah — Paul Dubois is one hardworking man.

At age 70, he’s still running a roofing business.

His grandson, Trevor Rice, nominated him for the Fox 13 Dream Team.

Trevor says Paul stepped up to help raise him after his own father died.

Additionally, Paul is known to go out of his way to help other extended family members and friends.

We found out that Paul’s washer and dryer at home were giving him trouble.

When our amazing Dream Team partners at Woodside Homes heard Paul’s story they arranged to have a new washer and dryer removed from a model home and sent straight to Paul’s home.

Mountain America Credit Union also had an extra surprise for Paul as well.

Watch the video to see the rest of the surprise unfold.

If you know someone who could use a visit from the Dream Team, fill out the nomination form here. Tell us the story of the person you are nominating, as it might be told on TV, and suggest a gift that could make a difference in their life.

Mountain America Credit Union
Woodside Homes