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Celeste Maloy, Kathleen Riebe square off in 2nd Congressional District Debate

Posted at 11:25 PM, Oct 26, 2023

SALT LAKE CITY — The leading candidates for Utah's second Congressional District in the House of Representatives took the debate stage Thursday night.

This comes less than a month from the special election to fill the seat previously held by Chris Stewart, who stepped down in September citing his wife's health issues.

Republican Celeste Maloy, a former staffer for Stewart faced Kathleen Riebe, the Democratic candidate who represents Utah's 15 senate district in the Utah State Sentate.

The Utah Debate Commission hosted the event. Mary Weaver Bennett, the Director of the Michael O. Leavitt Center for Politics and Public Service at Southern Utah University.

The debate began with both candidates being asked what makes them the best person for the job.

"I'm a great candidate for this position because I have just dedicated the last 17 years of my life to public service and elected positions," said Riebe.

"I've lived in Washington County, Iron County, Beaver County and I've spent a lot of time working all up and down the district," Maloy added.

The candidates were met with a wide range of questions, from the United States' involvement in Ukraine to their stance on what is currently going on in Israel.

"We need to keep supporting Israel, who is our ally, we need to try and create peace in that region, by making sure Israel is strong enough to defend itself and stop questioning their ability and their right to defend themselves," said Maloy.

Riebe says there has to be a lot of work done with everyone.

"We just can't solve this as the United States, we need to start working with all our allies, to provide them with the resources they need, so that they can help the citizens that are actually in harms way," said Riebe.

Questions from students, both taped and in attendance, were asked to the candidates.

FOX 13 News Anchor Max Roth also asked the candidates how they felt about recent developments with the elections for House Speaker.

"First of all, the great news is I watched Mike Johnson's speech from the floor of the house when he accepted the job, and he says he intends to appoint a bipartisan committee to figure this out, so I guess the first thing I would be willing to do is serve on that committee," answered Maloy.

"When my other candidates were asked who would you pick on the other side to represent you, they demanded that we are Republican control and I would never pick somebody else, I on the other hand, said I will work with whoever is willing to work with me?," Riebe said.

That led to a question about a possible government shutdown and if they would support that or a funding agreement.

"I would never vote for shutting down the government, I think it is irresponsible," said Riebe.

Riebe said she would be willing to work with anyone to keep the government open. Maloy said she would be willing to work with Democrats and find common ground.

"I'm willing to vote for a spending bill that reduces spending," said Maloy.

Both candidates also tackled questions pertaining to changes to social security and even public lands.

Following the debate, FOX 13 News asked both candidates how they felt they made themselves appeal to voters, with less than a month until the second Congressional District Special Election.

"I am someone who someone who is looking for answers and looking for solutions when I think about where we are at with our current delegation right now, they are ready to fight with people," said Riebe.

"I tried to separate myself by being truthful about where I am and share my conservative Republican views," said Maloy.

There are several other candidates who will be on the ballot, but they did not meet the threshold to participate in this debate, which is 10 percent in a poll conducted by the Utah Debate Commission.

Maloy led the way in that poll of 528 registered voters, with just shy of 43 percent.

Riebe got 34 percent in that poll.

The second Congressional District Special Election is set for November 21.