SALT LAKE CITY — Rivers and creeks in every corner of Utah set records for high flows, including the San Juan River, that was far larger than the Colorado River through most of the morning, though the San Juan is a tributary to the Colorado which is Utah's largest through most of every year.
The median streamflow for Thursday on the Colorado near the Utah-Colorado border was 3400 cubic feet per second. The San Juan River at 7:45 a.m. was 6,970.
Even more extraordinary, other rivers in Southern Utah, the Dirty Devil and the Paria, went from nearly undetectable streamflows to nearly the same size as the Colorado.
The Paria was flowing at 4.5 cfs on Tuesday at 10 p.m. while it hit 3,240 cfs. Thursday at 9 a.m.
The Dirty Devil went from .34 cfs Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. to 3,250 cfs at 9:30am Thursday.