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U of U students attend primary watch party

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SALT LAKE CITY – Dozens of students and faculty gathered at the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics to watch the results of Super Tuesday.

For many students, this election cycle represents their first chance to cast a ballot.

“I think it’s important for all youth to be involved,” said Benjamin Gerace, a freshman who supported Elizabeth Warren. “I was trying to go door-to-door in my dorm and tell everyone to go vote. No matter who you are voting for, it’s important that all the youth do vote.”

After seeing Warren struggle on Super Tuesday, Gerace believes he will shift his support to Bernie Sanders.

Several students attended the party wearing Bernie Sanders t-shirts and buttons.

“As a Sanders supporter, it’s important because that’s how we win. That’s how we beat Trump,” said Kace Ellen, who supports Bernie Sanders. “If young voters support democratic candidates, that’s how we beat Trump.”

As Sanders appeared to coast to a victory in Utah’s Democratic Primary, Jason Perry, the director of the Hinckley Institute explained why.

“I think it’s because Bernie really talks about the big issues that particularly the younger voters care about,” Perry said. “The issues of education. The issues of healthcare. They are growing up in world where they are thinking about those two things.”

As the race appears to be between two candidates, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, Perry isn’t surprised.

“It’s amazing what two days difference makes in an election cycle,” Perry said. “What we are seeing right now is the Democratic party starting to coalesce around these two top standard bearers. We are seeing the more moderate elements of the party versus the more liberal elements of the party. This has been a pretty big night for Joe Biden.”

Perry added, in the remaining primaries, the Democratic Party must choose the candidate they believe has the best chance to defeat President Donald Trump.

He also believes the state of Utah was a big winner. By holding the primary on Super Tuesday, the state’s vote was more relevant than in years past.