SALT LAKE CITY — These are the final days to winterize, said Ryan Glover, Operations Manager at Glover Nursery in West Jordan.
“Today, tomorrow while it's still nice, go out there and get a nice watering on your plants so it has enough time to take that up into the system, so they have a little more protection for the cold," he said.
Glover recommends tending to your plants now before the cold comes.
“Vegetable gardens, tomatoes, peppers, stuff like that, if they haven't pulled them out, it's easier to do it before they freeze and turn to mush," he said.
While we don’t traditionally think of winter as a gardening season when the cold hits, it’s actually a great time to plant a tree, said Glover.
“The roots keep growing," he said. "And then also you don't need to when you drive around, you know, you don't damage the leaves and stuff like that. So it's actually a nice time of year.”
According to the owner of Top Sprinkler Repair in Taylorsville, Daniel Paul, your sprinkler system will also need attention before your lawn freezes over.
"Our lawns are resilient, but our sprinkler systems aren't," said Paul.
“It could freeze over," he said. "It's a potential that it could freeze and crack and flood areas. I mean, basements, potential stuff like that.”
Paul suggests getting a professional to flush all the water out of your sprinklers soon. He believes this week will mark the end of the lawn-watering season.
“I believe it is the end," he said. "As soon as the temperatures drop and you start shutting down the sprinkler systems, it probably is the end for the grass anyway. It's going to go dormant.”