

Utah leaders react to inauguration of Joe Biden

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SALT LAKE CITY — The following are some local reactions to the inauguration of Joe Biden as 46th President of the United States of America.

RELATED: Joe Biden is sworn into office, pledges to be 'president for all Americans'

Governor Spencer J. Cox
"Today we celebrate a cherished cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power. Over the past four years, President Trump listened to Utah and we thank him for his service. As President Biden takes office, we look forward to working with him in advancing the vital interests of Utahns."

Sen. Mike Lee
"It was an honor to witness President Biden swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States today. We may not agree on everything, but I know we share common ground on some key issues like criminal justice reform and tax relief for working families. I hope we can turn these agreements into real bipartisan legislative success."

Sen. Mitt Romney
"Today’s [Inauguration Day] occurs at a difficult time for our nation. I pray that President Biden will call upon our better angels, uniting the nation at a time of division. Despite the differences Americans may have on matters of policy, we share the common goal of ensuring that America continues to be a beacon of hope and freedom for all."

Rep. Chris Stewart
"It would be good for the country if everyone toned down their rhetoric and looked for something to agree on and something to embrace in a positive fashion instead of what we have seen in the last year and especially since the election."

Rep. John Curtis
"Although I may have philosophical differences with the President, I have tremendous respect for the Office. My attendance should stand as my commitment to wake up every morning and look in the mirror as I ask myself if I'm an agent for hate and darkness or for love & light."

Rep. Burgess Owens
"I'm honored to attend the 59th Presidential Inauguration and join the country in celebrating a peaceful transition of power that has served as a cornerstone of American democracy for over 200 years. God bless the soldiers, airmen, and law enforcement officials standing guard to ensure the safety of today's events. Thank you for your service to our nation."

Rep. Ben Moore
“It’s a special moment every single time, our country does need some unity. That’s the theme of the message. Everything to this point is talk. That’s expected. Hopefully we can continue to show that and work together.”

Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson
"America is ready for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Since their victory in early November, they each have demonstrated an inclusive, cooperative, and compassionate leadership that has been sorely vacant for the past four years. We can now begin to heal knowing once again the White House will be an ethical partner in our local efforts to build a community that values hard work, self-reliance, and teamwork. I appreciate President Biden’s plans to help local efforts in combating COVID-19. Better days are ahead, and I am confident that this new partnership will serve as a catalyst for Salt Lake County’s economic recovery, healthy residents, and a strong future."

Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall
"It’s an exciting day for America. I’m hopeful the future brings unity to our nation & that we do incredible things together. As a capital city mayor, I look forward to the Biden-Harris Admin’s work on local issues from transportation to affordable housing funding to vaccinations[.] And I’m so excited to be alive to see the swearing-in of [Vice President Kamala Harris]! What a momentous day for American women."

Former Sen. Orrin Hatch
"My sincere congratulations to [...] Joe Biden and [...] Kamala Harris. Having had the opportunity to serve with both of them in the Senate, I saw up close the love they have for our country and the American people. [...] I am confident that the President will serve our nation now just as he has served it over more many decades in elected office—with drive, dedication, and a heart full of optimism. His success will be America’s success, which is why I wish him the very best."

Former Rep. Ben McAdams
"It’s a beautiful new day. Today, we are not Republicans or Democrats. Today, we are Americans."