With St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday, chances are you could trap a leprechaun in your own home.
Difficult Mommy Blogger Melissa Sackett joined us with 5 things every EASY trap needs:
1. Bait. This can be skittles, lucky charms or gold coins. Anything you have around. Leprechauns are notoriously hungry.
2. A trap. You can use a jar or a bucket, or a box and a stick. Use your imagination.
3. Decorations. Let your kiddos go crazy however they would like to decorate. You want it to catch the leprechauns attention after all.
4. Creativity. Think outside the box and use items that you may not normally think of like Legos.
5. Fun. This is another low stress project that can be used to get everyone's mind off of heavy things that may be happening, so have fun!
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