The Place


A renewed love life could be the best Valentine's Day gift ever


By Valentine's Day you could be well on your way to a renewed love life in the bedroom.

Wasatch Medical Center is using Acoustic Wave Therapy, a technology that helps men who are struggling with erectile dysfunction, to get back to normal in as little as one treatment.

Andrew Rinehart, a Medical Technician at Wasatch Medical, says this technology has been studied by Cambridge University and over 50 different outlets. If you'd like to read the clinical studies you can go to the science page of their website.

Each treatment is only about 10 minutes and in two or three weeks, things could be back to normal in the bedroom.

Call 801-901-8000 right now and Wasatch Medical Clinic will give you a lot for free: an assessment, exam and ultrasound. Plus, you'll get a gift that produces instant results in the bedroom.

And for more information go to Wasatch Medical Clinic