All aboard! You're invited to party with the Heber Valley Railroad on the Mardi Gras Train!
It's a two hour round trip on Friday, February 28, 2020. The train departs at 7:00 p.m., but you'll want to arrive early for an "Old Fashioned Gun Fight" at 6:40 p.m.
Dress up in your Mardi Gras finest and there will be some beads, masks and other party favors to add to your costume.
This party is all about audience participation -- including dancing in the aisles, sing-a-longs and non-alcoholic specialty drinks sold on board.
Heber Valley Railroad has themed trains most Friday nights, including Chocolate Lovers, Broadway Show Tunes, Star Wars, St. Paddy's and Cowboy.
The train operates all year round too!
For more information please visit: