The Place


Any Hour Services gives us furnace tips before it gets too cold

Home Pros: Any Hour Services
Posted at 1:42 PM, Oct 18, 2022
and last updated 2022-10-18 15:42:23-04

It's that time of year when we all start turning on our furnaces.

Jenny Hardman talked with Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and he recommends turning your furnace on NOW rather than waiting until it gets really cold.

Like clockwork every year, Any Hours Services gets a flood a calls the first cold day of the year from people who are having furnace problems. Don't wait! Check now while they have more availability if you're having problems.

If you get a burning smell when you first turn it on, it's okay that's normal because the furnace has collected dust throughout the summer however the burning smell should not last longer than 15 minutes.

Mike also recommends making sure you don't have things too close to your furnace and blocking the airflow.

Any Hour Services is the Official Home Services Partner of The Place, and one of our Home Pros.

You can call Any Hour Services at 801-443-7540 or visit