The Place


Create beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces with American Stone

Home Pros: American Stone
Posted at 1:46 PM, Oct 10, 2022
and last updated 2022-10-10 15:46:15-04

American Stone helps you create beautiful spaces and living-scapes through natural stone products in all shapes and sizes.

They have stone for your landscaping, fireplace/firepit, and believe it or not they can help you create the perfect granite countertop and backsplash.

American Stone is all about providing high quality, eco-friendly, sustainable building and landscaping stone along with equally qualified complimentary products.

They will help you find the perfect stone and then connect you to the right contractors and installers.

Come in now while lots of their stone is on clearance plus Fox 13 The Place Viewers can visit 13 for a 10% off discount.

American Stone has locations in Murray, Sunset and Heber.