The Place


Creating Social Media Gold


How many of you are constantly trying to figure out what to post to social media?

Social Media Expert, Natalie Zfat, said this is one of the most common things she hears from her clients.

Natalie shared tips for creating social media gold:

1. Make your post funny, beautiful or inspirational. Funny - make your audience laugh or entertain them. When it comes to beautiful, post images that catch your followers' eyes - a beautiful travel photo or a great photo of yourself. For inspirational think of a fitness journey or something along these lines.

2. Find your niche... what is it that you are an expert on and can rally an audience behind.

3. Keep a social media content calendar.

4. Emojis - when it comes to emoji use it really depends on your brand. Is it a personal account or a business account that needs to be more professional. Base your emoji use on your brand.

For more information and to follow Natalie go to her Instagram or Facebook.