The Place


Discover and celebrate Utah's natural history by visiting each one of Utah's 29 counties

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You can discover and celebrate Utah's natural history by visiting each one of Utah's counties in the Natural History Museum of Utah's Race to 29!

Custom markers have been placed in every county to celebrate an iconic natural or cultural history location in that area, showcasing Utah's diversity and richness.

All summer long, Utahns and visitors will be encouraged to seek out the markers to inspire their own exploration of what makes each county—and Utah—so special.

Budah stopped by one of the markers, in Davis County - Antelope Island State Park.

Park Manager Jeremy Shaw says the Davis County marker is in the landscaped rock in front of the painted bison in the parking area on the south side of the Antelope Island Causeway toll booth, on the way to Antelope Island.

At 42 miles long, Antelope island is the largest island in the Great Salt Lake. The water around it is 12 times saltier than seawater. The shores are a crucial stopover point for migratory birds. The island itself is home to a lot of wildlife, including bison. And Shaw says right now is a great time to see baby animals while you visit.

There are so many ways to participate in the Race to 29, including a chance to win prizes through September 6, 2021:

  • Download the Natural History Explorer Corps app on iOS and Android on your mobile device.
  • Download the Explorer Corps Passport, or pick one up mid-June at your local library in Utah
  • Enter the Race to 29!
  • Stay up to date with all things Explorer Corps by following @NHMU on Instagram and Twitter for weekly giveaways all summer
  • Share photos of your Explorer Corps discoveries using #ExplorerCorps and get featured on @NHMU's social channels
  • Visit your local library to check out our Explorer Corps recommended reading unique to your county

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