The Place


Fix your E.D. without pills or pain

Prestige Men's Health

Acoustic Wave Therapy can help treat symptoms of erectile dysfunction (E.D.) and offered by Prestige Men's Health.

Treatments allow men to move away from the pills, injections or even those considering surgery.

According to statistics provided by the clinic, more than 50% of men over 50 years old have had some issues with E.D. in their life.

"E.D. is a progressive disease and left untreated will continue to get worse over time," said Jason Silva, Patient Care Coordinator, from Prestige Men's Health, "but it can be treated."

This breakthrough technology is a noninvasive, painless, safe and effective treatment.

Each treatment takes only about 15 minutes with no recovery or downtime, Jason explained.

"Treatments heal damaged blood vessels, improve blood flow, and increase natural erectile function," he said.

Acoustic Wave therapy for the treatment of E.D. has had over 40 clinical trials and been written up in several dozen medical journals including the Cleveland Clinic and from Cambridge University.

Jason says the clinic is more of a spa-like atmosphere. "Guys come on in and we welcome you to bring your spouse or significant other."

For more information or to schedule a free consultation tell them where to go online at or call 801-406-NOED.