The Place


Hear one NICU Family's Story at the St. Mark's Hospital Hall of Hope

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SALT LAKE CITY — Lisa and Marcus Brady wanted kids from the moment they got married, but for them, like for so many, getting pregnant wasn’t easy.

“We were the classic, wanted babies and couldn't, so we had to go the IVF route,” says Lisa. “I really wanted babies, and I just didn't want to admit that I couldn't and so it was a silent battle from the start.”

It was a battle they ended up winning. Lisa became pregnant with twins Liam and Margot in 2019. However, the pregnancy was tough, and to make matters ever tougher, the babies decided to come early, very early in fact.

“My water broke and I was only 30 weeks,” says Lisa. “And I woke Marcus up and he was like, ‘No, no, no, you just you just peed your pants."

“I was hoping and she just peed her pants,” Marcus added, “But no, her water broke. “Luckily we only live five minutes from the hospital, so it took us no time to get there.”

Within a few short hours of arriving at Saint Marks Hospital in Salt Lake City, twins Liam and Margot were born prematurely, both weighed only three pounds. Lisa still gets emotional thinking about it.

“We knew was serious when all the NICU nurses ran in, but they brought this like peace around them. They really were these emotional cheerleaders; not just nurses, they went above and beyond... They made our experience that was so hard, so easy. We've loved them, we're forever thankful for St. Mark's.”

In all, Liam and Margot spent 47 days in the NICU. They survived and today the Brady family is thriving. But they are just one of many success stories from St. Mark’s NICU.

These grateful families are giving back to the hospital through the new NICU Hall of Hope, a hallway filled with portraits of former patients who came and conquered.

For Lisa and Marcus, it means the world to them to have their picture hung in this illustrious hallway.

“Oh my gosh, I just remember like crying in these halls,” says Lisa. “Thinking like I never would get out of here. Just to see the survivors it just like warms my heart. Makes me feel so grateful.”

For more information on the Hall of Hope and St. Mark’s Hospital, log onto