The Place


Help dogs find new homes by taking part in puppy yoga!

"Pups and Poses: Puppy Yoga Festival"

Arctic Rescue is a Utah nonprofit that has been rescuing breeds from local shelters for more than 30 years. They typically save more than 100 dogs every year!

That includes Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes.

Since "Game of Thrones" featured those kinds of dogs, the increase of puppy adoptions has led to adult dogs being surrendered or abandoned.

Arctic Rescue helps the dogs get out of shelters, help them become "adoptable" and helps them get the medical care they need.

You can help them by taking part in "Pups and Poses: Puppy Yoga Festival" on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at Trolley Square in Salt Lake City. There will be lots of puppies there, looking for their forever homes, too!

You can get more information at