The Place


Here's a way some Utah teachers could get extra cash for their classrooms

Posted at 1:40 PM, Oct 07, 2020
and last updated 2020-10-07 15:40:43-04

Teachers often spend their own money to help them teach students in their classrooms.

Now, there are two ways teachers could get some cash to help, thanks to Cyprus Credit Union.

David Sant with Cyprus Credit Union told us about the shopping sprees for which you can nominate your favorite teachers, for the chance to win credits that can be used on Cyprus' website to shop for school supplies and other items.

The credit union is also offering Mini-Grants to help teachers fund innovative and creative classroom projects that enrich standard curriculum and enhance learning opportunities for students. Funds may also be used to buy supplemental supplies.

Educators can submit their Mini-Grant applications now through Thursday, April 15, 2021.

Up to four Mini-Grants will be awarded each month, and all applications must be received prior to the 15th of the month to receive funding the following month.

The Mini-Grant program is exclusively available to licensed educators in Davis, Salt Lake, Utah and Tooele counties.

If you have any questions about the application or funding process, please call the Relationship Development Department at (801) 260-7600, ext. 5951 or ext. 5952.

You can learn more at