Lane splitting or lane filtering is the practice of motorcycles driving in-between lanes of traffic when the traffic is stopped. It's very common across Europe and Asia. It's legal in California and now here in Utah.
Personal Injury Attorney Craig Swapp joined us to talk more about it since it's relatively new to our state. The law went into effect on May 14, 2019.
The Utah-specific laws for lane splitting are:
- The speed limit on the road is 45 mph or less.
- The road has 2 or more adjacent traffic lanes in the same direction of travel.
- Traffic is stopped (at a red light, stop sign, etc.)
- Motorcycles must keep their speed at 15 mph or lower while lane splitting
- The lane splitting movement can be made safely.
Swapp says it's important for motorcyclists attempting to lane filter is to be alert and prepared to anticipate possible movements by other motorists. Especially because it's a newer law, motorists are unlikely to be expecting motorcycles to be lane filtering. It really is safest to assume that other drivers are not paying attention to you.
The attorneys of Craig Swapp & Associates recognize that most motorcyclists are law abiding citizens, and not crazy risk takers. If you are a motorcycle rider and have been hit, Craig Swapp & Associates are ready to fight for your rights and get you the settlement you deserve.
You can call them at 1-800-404-9000 or visit: craigswapp.comfor more information.