The Place


It's never too late to finish your college degree

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In 2021, the oldest graduate at Utah Valley Univerity was 68 years old.

In 2020, the oldest was 69, which demonstrates it is never to late to finish your degree.

Utah Valley University is inviting people to come back and finish their degrees.

It has never been easier.

We were joined by Kyle Reyes from UVU who told us nearly 30 percent of UVU students are 25 and older. 80 percent of UVU students work while taking classes and 28 percent work more than 30 hours a week. In short, UVU knows how to help older and working adults succeed in college.

People who started their degrees, but never finished are ideal candidates.

Reyes said, "We have scholarship and granting opportunities for those who are returning to college to finish. We have increased our number of online courses and programs. We have resources designed to help adult learners succeed like on-campus childcare, Wee Care Center and additional resources in our Women's Success Center."

There are also advisors who specialize in helping people return to college and complete a degree. And, there are scholarship and granting opportunities for those who are returning to college to finish.

UVU also has a Work and Learn Program as a state funded effort that covers tuition and they are still accepting applications as there will be future rounds of this based on federal funding. This is an ideal option for the person who needs to brush up on quick skills, get a certificate or update some skills for future job opportunities.

Go back to school and finish your degree. It will be the best thing you ever do.

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