The Place


Join the 10,000 steps a day challenge

and last updated

The benefits of getting both movement AND being outside does the mind and body so much good.

We can all get outside and move our bodies at whatever pace is good for our individual bodies.

Motivational speaker, Rachel Barker, taught us about NEAT: Non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This is the energy expended for walking to work, performing yard work, working at your computer, even fidgeting.

Rachel is challenging all of us to get 10,000 steps a day through exercise and NEAT! You can reach this goal by doing 10 minutes of light ab work or yoga when you wake up, getting up more when sitting in your chair - even twirling around in your chair will help, clean and cook while dancing, if you have children run and play with them, etc.

Join Rachel by tagging her on Instagram @dear.rach and @fox13the place and share your fitness success stories using the hashtag #ThePlaceFall10kperday