The Place


Meet a Utah mom who had a stroke shortly after her baby was delivered

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Nearly 50 percent of all adult women have high blood pressure and one in five women will have a stroke during their lifetime.

Mandi Schill is one of those women who suffered a stroke. It happened shortly after she gave birth in November 2019.

She had a C-section and was diagnosed with preeclampsia. She had high blood pressure medicine that she was taking at home.

But one day, Mandi said she just didn't feel right.

Luckily her sister, Gina who is a nurse practitioner with University of Utah Helath, was checking in on her and realized she had to get to the hospital quick.

Gina said even though her symptoms weren't typical of a stroke, she knew something was wrong. Mandi's symptoms included dizziness, nausea, light-headedness.

The typical signs of stroke can be remembered by this: F.A.S.T.

F - Facial drooping
A - Arm weakness
S - Speech difficulties
T - Time (meaning get to the emergency room)

Luckily time was on Mandi's side and she was treated quickly. She says the stroke has changed her life. She's now following the Mediterranean diet, exercising and taking a baby aspirin every day.

The American Heart Association Utah Division is hosting its CycleNation Celebration event on May 21st at 4 p.m. and Jenny Hardman is serving as the emcee.

CycleNation is helping stop the cycle of stroke and heart disease and you're invited to join them!

You can register at