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Wattsmart Wednesday

The Wattsmart Business New Construction and Major Renovations program is designed to empower smarter and greener building projects.

 The program offers incentives throughout the design, construction, and operation of a new building to encourage Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) customers to build energy efficient.

Utah Clean Energy took advantage of Wattsmart Business incentives to maximize energy efficiency and unlock huge savings throughout the design and construction of their Climate Innovation Center.

Utah Clean Energy set big goals for their new facility in an effort reduce their carbon footprint as much as possible. “Buildings contribute over 40% of global energy related greenhouse gas emissions annually,” according to Jessica Dalton with RMP.

The Wattsmart Battery Program can help cover the cost of installing commercial batteries as well as provide ongoing bill credits for saving energy.

“We selected the largest commercial battery available,” Dalton explained, “which was also eligible to participate in our Rocky Mountain Power’s battery “demand response” program.”

She said the solar project at the Climate Innovation Center was made possible with support from Rocky Mountain Power’s Blue Sky program.

“One challenge in meeting the building’s energy needs with solar power was to find enough space to locate all the solar panels they needed.”

The HVAC system has four different systems to maximize efficiency – a heat pump system, a dedicated outdoor air system with evaporative cooling, an energy recovery ventilator and passive air flow – opening windows and using ceiling fans to move the air around.

Wattsmart can help both businesses and residential customers reduce their carbon footprint and save money on the monthly bill.

Rocky Mountain Power is ready to support big projects, like Utah Clean Energy’s new facility or small ones, like replacing your thermostat, and everything in between.

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