The Place


There are words that drive people crazy and can put a real strain on a relationship


The holidays are here and there will be gatherings with friends and family.

We all want to keep the peace between coworkers, family and friends.

Research done by a communications company called SpeakStrong surveyed thousands of people to find out what the most offensive phrases in the English language are.

The results show there are words that drive people crazy and can put a real strain on relationships.

We asked Relationship Coach Val Baldwin to give us five phrases you'll want to avoid this holiday season.

1. "I DON'T CARE". People often say this when asked for an opinion, but when someone really wants your opinion or wants to work together toward a solution that phrase is really frustrating. It also makes the person on the receiving end feel as if the situation isn't important enough for you to care about.

2. Another offensive phrase: "IF YOU SAY SO." This phrase is sarcasm in the form of sincere agreement. "If you say so" doesn't mean that what's being said is true - only that it's being said. What the person is really saying is, "I'll go along with what you're saying, but my heart's not in it and I don't totally believe you.

3. "WHATEVER". It's a modern version of "if you say so". It is a sarcastic expression intended to communicate "I don't agree with you, but I'm going to say this to shut the conversation down."

4. Then there's "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?" This phrase insinuates that someone must have a problem that causes them to think, feel or act the way they do. On the surface it expresses concern, but the intent is usually spiteful, suggesting that someone should just "get over" what's bothering them.

5. The top offensive phrase: "SHUT UP". Simply put - it's a harsh way to silence someone, and it shows extreme disrespect.

For more information or to contact Val, visit her website.