The Place


These three steps could help you actually reach the goals you set for 2022


Janelle Lara, The Part Time CEO, says she teaches women to be stay-at-home moms and grow their businesses at the same time.

Lara says she can help you make a full-time income on part-time hours, and she joined us with three steps to starting fresh in 2022.

1. Lara says you need to ask yourself what do you actually want? Not what you think you should want, or what your partner wants, but what YOU really want for 2022. Whether that's to start your own business, or lose 20 pounds, Lara says the next two steps apply.
2. Outline the steps. She says it's important to be realistic. If losing weight is your goal, most people can healthily lose about four pounds a month. If a new business is your goal, most break even their first year, but don't make profit.
3. SCHEDULE the steps into your calendar and start!

You can learn more from Lara by visiting her website