Erectile Dysfunction is something that's not easy for men to talk about.
However, the treatment to permanently end E.D. may be easier than you think.
Andrew Rinehart, a Medical Technician with Wasatch Medical Clinic joined us to talk about 'Acoustic Wave Therapy' and how it treats the root cause of the problem which is blood flow.
Rinehart says it widens blood vessels, increasing the amount of blood released into the penis during arousal. And it does this, he says without the harmful side effects that medication and hormone therapy can have. It targets the problem without throwing your whole body off balance.
If viewers call 801-901-8000 now, they'll get a free doctor exam and ultrasound (worth $300+). So there really isn't anything to lose! Even if you don't go through with the treatment, you will know the cause of your E.D.
But with the results patients are seeing, such as a total rebound in the bedroom in three to four weeks, who wouldn't want to give this a try?
For your free consultation, call 801-901-8000 or visit