The Place


This is the Proper Greeting for People and Dogs

Wasatch Canine Camp

When it comes to greetings, people typically use handshakes or even a smile and nod.

But what about dogs? It turns out there is a proper greeting between people and dogs, and we learned about it from Bethany Tracy with Wasatch canine Camp.

She says you don't necessarily need to put your hand out to them, the dogs can smell you before you're even close. So let them greet you!

Bethany also said treat a new puppy like you would a newborn baby. They need a lot of sleep, about 18 hours a day!

Wasatch Training Camp specializes in just about everything when it comes to dog training and dog behavior and they don't use a "one size fits" all approach.

Bethany says they will work hard to find what works best for you and your dog, focusing on positive, fun training.

You can contact them at