The Place


Utah Food For Families Recognized With Smith's Zero Hunger Hero Award

Posted at 2:24 PM, Jul 26, 2021
and last updated 2021-07-26 16:24:21-04

SALT LAKE CITY — During the Pandemic, many people have needed and continue to need some extra help. And one way to help folks in need, is to feed them. Enter, Utah Food for Families, a food bank run by the Calvary Chapel here in Salt Lake City.

“Our mission is to bring food to families,” says Leslie Angilau, the Outreach Coordinator for Calvary Chapel. “And our mission is to create personal relationships that make a difference to feed and nourish the human body and spirit, one food box at a time.”

Since January of this year, Utah Food for Families has donated 1.6 million pounds of food to over 48 thousand families in need.

It is because of this, Smith’s Food and Drug, along with Fox 13 is recognizing this organization for its fight to end hunger in the community.

Director Amber Olinger says that they couldn’t have done any of this without their dedicated team of volunteers.

“It's a complete blessing just to see how these families have been able to respond, to have this food and need especially going through the pandemic, and all of everything that COVID-19 hit everybody with. We have upwards to about 80 volunteers that come every Thursday night to do these distributions, and without them we wouldn't be able to do it. So I'm going to make sure that they are acknowledged and understand that we got the Smith’s Award, and we appreciate it so much. ”

Giving back is such a simple thing to do, whether it is making a donation or volunteering your time... and a little can go a long way.

For more information about the Calvery Chapel mission, log onto