The Place


Volunteers needed for the American Cancer Society's Road to Recovery

Road to Recovery

The American Cancer Society is actively looking for volunteer drivers to drive
cancer patients to treatment as part of the Road To Recovery program.

Transportation barriers are the number one reason people miss cancer appointments.

The Road To Recovery program offers cancer patients free transportation to and from their cancer-related treatment.

Right now, 10 additional volunteer drivers are needed to help meet the growing
demand across Salt Lake City including the Provo area.

Volunteers will be trained, and once that is complete, they can accept ride requests based on their availability.

Ride scheduling is coordinated online, and drivers have the opportunity to coordinate rides based on their availability through the ride sharing app.

To volunteer or get more information, visit or contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345.

You must have a good driving record and a current, valid driver's license.