The Place


Why we should all set a goal for 2023 to designate safe people and safe places

Live On Playbook

Here's a goal everyone can set for 2023: Create safe connections and environments.

That means designate safe people who you know you can reach out to if you are struggling. This could be a friend or family member you trust. This could also be a professional, like your therapist or the crisis line at 988.

It also means designate safe spaces. Identify where you can meet others to have difficult conversations and identify things that should be limited or removed in a home if you or someone you know is struggling. This could be firearms, prescription medications, or even alcohol.

Talking about mental health and seeking help can be intimidating, but if you become educated about what to say and how to say it through the Live on Playbook, it will normalize it.

The Live On Playbook is the first-of-its-kind suicide prevention course designed as 10 posts on Instagram that take less than 5 minutes each to complete.

It is free, and in less than an hour you can earn a certification of completion and become a Live On suicide Prevention Ambassador. You even can do the training at your own pace.

The goal is to empower everyone to have conversations about their mental health and turn every Utahn into a suicide prevention ambassador.

You can learn more onInstagram and online at