The Place


You know doTERRA for their essential oils, but did you know each bottle has a team of scientists behind it?

Posted at 2:25 PM, Sep 21, 2021
and last updated 2021-09-21 16:25:34-04

You may know doTERRA because of their amazing essential oil product.

But did you know that each of these products has a team of scientists working hard to ensure the best sourcing and testing goes into each bottle?

Dr. Nicole Stevens, Director of Clinical Research at doTERRA, joined us to tell us more about what she and her team do at doTERRA.

Dr. Stevens says doTERRA is based on firm science and employs more than 30 scientists who are committed to pushing the boundaries of rigor in essential oil testing and they are responsible for breakthroughs in sourcing, evolving models of use, and state-of-the-art testing procedures.

doTERRA has pushed aromatherapy tradition into the 21st century and remains the unmatched industry leader in innovation.

You can learn more ato and