KAYSVILLE, Utah - Friday marked the last day for early voting in this year's elections. Hundreds of thousands of voters have already cast their ballots, but there were some minor headaches for some people who showed up to vote.
To be eligible for early voting, you have to register by Oct. 9, but registration for voting on Election Day lasted until Oct. 22. Some voters who registered too late for early voting still showed up to the early election polls, meaning they weren't on the rolls.
'We had our poll workers explain that they were not eligible to vote that day, but if they needed to, they could do a provisional ballot. So we had a lot of people who didn't show up on the rolls, but when we checked the complete record, they were eligible to vote on Election Day," said Pat Beckstead, Davis County Elections Director.
It was an issue in multiple counties, but didn't stop those people from voting early. They just have to use those provisional ballots and election workers will have more work verifying those votes after the election.
The Lt. Governor's Office says that as of Friday afternoon, more than 350,000 people have voted early. In Davis County alone, that number is over 40,000.