News3 Questions


3 Questions with Bob Evans: Kerry, Bill and Gina on the success of ‘Radio From Hell’

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SALT LAKE CITY -- If there was a Mount Rushmore of morning radio in Utah, these guys would be on it.

Kerry Jackson, Bill Allred and Gina Barberi on X96 have been together since the mid-1980s, in an industry where on-air personalities come and go like the weather.

They have enjoyed great ratings all along, and recently they came to the Fox 13 Studio so Bob Evans could ask them 3 Questions.

  1. You've got this incredibly loyal following, your audience is fiercely loyal: To what do you attribute that?
  2. Consumers can get their information from just about anywhere these days. How has that changed the way you guys approach what you do on the air to make the business model of radio still work?
  3. Obviously, you're doing something right. How do you keep the program fresh?

See the full interview with Kerry, Bill and Gina in the video embedded below: