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Keeping kids safe as the pandemic winds down

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As life gets back to normal following the pandemic, experts say there are still precautions families should take to protect kids from COIVD-19...especially those not old enough to be vaccinated.

Dr. Drew Oliveira from Regence BlueCross BlueShield says, “As this economy reopens we have to be more mindful of activities indoors, large gatherings, things that could put those young children at higher risk.”

Olivera says that while many children with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic, many are getting very sick and being hospitalized.

While the vaccine is now available for those 12 and older, there are studies showing it could be soon available to younger kids. Until that happens, parents need to take important preventative measures to keep kids safe.

“Be cautious,” says Oliveira. Things that we know can cause the spread of infection will still cause the spread until most, if not all of our community is vaccinated.”

He advises speaking with your kids about continuing the positive habits we’ve adopted throughout the pandemic, like frequent handwashing, social distancing, and continuing to wear a mask in some situations. He also suggests speaking to your kids about how they’re coping.

“Children may or may not be able to express their feelings. But look for signs of stress or anxiety. Mood changes, sudden changes in their sleep pattern, or their eating habits,” says Oliveira.

And he says one of the best ways to protect your children is to protect yourself.

“Please get yourself vaccinated, stay safe, and keep those small children safe, as well.”

Oliveira says it’s important to get your younger children their shots as soon as they are eligible because once they get those vaccinations, you’ll have peace of mind, knowing they are protected.