GRAND COUNTY, Utah — A fire sparked by a rollover accident along Interstate 70 in eastern Utah has grown to nearly 1,800 acres since its beginning Monday.
The fire had grown to 1,790 acres and was 89% contained as of 5 p.m. Tuesday. The acreage was a large jump from the approximately 800 acres burning as of 10 p.m. Monday.
Fire officials report that in most areas, the fire is smoldering and not moving further. Most firefighters are now focused on mopping up and monitoring hot spots.

While the fire remains burning, fire officials said they expected total containment by Tuesday evening.

The Moab Valley Fire Department reported the accident occurred at 12:45 p.m. Monday near the Utah-Colorado border. All lanes of traffic along I-70 were closed for a brief time before reopening about an hour later.
Following the accident, a female passenger was airlfited from the scene with moderate to serious injuries, while an adult male suffered moderate injuries. Officials are looking at wind conditions being a possible factor in the crash.

Air and ground resources are currently on the scene of the fire working to extinguish the flames.