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Rock snake grows and grows and grows in Riverton


RIVERTON, Utah — There’s something colorful slithering its way through the corner of Cervina and Chamonix Way in Riverton.

It’s Ernie the Rock Snake.

An anonymous neighbor posted a sign asking community members to help make the snake out of painted rocks over a month ago.

Since then, Ernie has grown to over 65-feet long and growing.

The stone creature begins with a painted rock shaped like the head of a snake with a bright red tongue sticking out. The head is then followed by rocks of different shapes, sizes and a variety of designs from Minions, to lady bugs, and flower designs.

Riverton resident Jamie Rentmeister says she learned about the rock snake from the community's Facebook page. She's yet to hear any pushback from other residents regarding the snake’s sudden appearance along the street.

“Not to my knowledge,” Rentmeister said. “To me it's just something fun to get the kids out, something to do during the summer and paint a rock and add it to the fun snake.”