The Place


How to Clean a Bathroom Sink Drain without Chemicals

Posted at 2:07 PM, Jun 16, 2022
and last updated 2022-06-16 16:07:50-04

Any Hour Services it the Official Home Services Partner of The Place, so when we have questions we call Mike Wilson.

In this week's Home Prossegment, Mike showed us how to clean a bathroom sink drain.

Mike says things can get hung up in the pipes and that slows the flow of water.

Instead of reaching for a bottle of chemicals to try to fix the issue, you can unhook the pipes and clean them.

It's as simple as unscrewing them, cleaning them, and putting them back together.

If you'd like to watch a tutorial by Mike, click here.

If you're dealing with a clogged or slow drain, Any Hour Services can help. They'll snake any line for $29.

You can call them at 801-443-7540 or visit