SALT LAKE CITY — When it comes to one of Salt Lake City's biggest changes in over three decades, residents won't be wrong to recall the line Bill Murray shared in the hit movie "Ghostbusters."
"Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!”
Starting in early February, the city will massively reshape its garbage and recycling collection schedule that has been in place for over 30 years, affecting nearly everyone who calls Salt Lake City home.
Officials say the schedule changes are needed so that the heaviest collection dates occur in the middle of the week when the city has more resources.
“This new schedule will directly lead to more consistency in service and fewer disruptions due to inclement weather or unexpected events, making it a no-brainer for our City," said Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall.
Beginning on Feb. 3, the following schedule changes will go into effect:
- Residents with Monday pickup will switch to Tuesdays
- Residents with Tuesday pickup will switch to Mondays
- Residents with Wednesday pickup will switch to Fridays
- Residents with Thursday pickup will experience no change
- Residents with Friday pickup will switch to Wednesdays
Apartments and condominiums, along with businesses that have private dumpsters will not be affected by the change.
“While Salt Lake City has experienced an overall growth trend over the past 30 years, not all areas of the City have grown at the same rate,” said Chris Bell, Salt Lake City's Waste and Recycling Division Director. “These uneven growth patterns have led to heavier collection workloads in some neighborhoods, making the weekly pickup days scheduled 30 years ago not as efficient as they once were.”