NewsUtah Made


Utah man creates deck of cards to overcome fear of flying

Posted at 7:50 AM, Apr 19, 2024
and last updated 2024-04-19 09:55:18-04

SALT LAKE CITY — In his younger years, the thought of air travel was exhilarating for Brian Morris but his first plane ride was one that left him with years of trauma.

"There was turbulence, it was terrifying, I didn't know what was going on," he reflected.

That single experience triggered a life filled with severe anxiety over air travel.

At the time, he told his parents he would never get on an airplane again and he didn't. Instead, his deep-rooted fear of flying grew for years.

Morris isn't alone in his fears. Nearly 40% of people experience anxiety over flying, a condition termed "aviophobia."

Captain Emma Henderson is from England but based in Scotland and has been a pilot for over 30 years.

She is heavily active in mentoring people who are apprehensive about getting on an airplane and explained most fears come from the fact that the slightest wobble may feel catastrophic.

Through a support group called "Love Fly," Captain Henderson and Morris were introduced.

The introduction came at the perfect time as Morris was attempting to travel. He explained that he got on and requested to get off the plane three separate times in a single day.

Henderson talked Morris through the process and educated him about how airplanes work. Through their conversations, his fears lessened.

"Everything that I learned on the internet and everything I learned from Captain Emma I would write it down on these three-by-five cards," he said.

Those index cards helped Morris overcome his flying fears, taking 12 flights in the last two years.

He used his newfound knowledge and journey of overcoming struggles to build a product.

"Flight Deck 365" is the size of a deck of cards, 56 in total with affirmations, travel tips and knowledge of planes to help passengers overcome their fears.

Morris created the emotional side of the deck while Henderson provided technical expertise.

The deck has been revolutionary for Morris, who can now see the world fearlessly.

"I honestly hope that every person out there that has a fear of flying can get on a plane and fly somewhere the way I am now.".